Deeper Still Retreat

Upcoming Retreats:
- April 11 – 13, 2025
- October 10 – 12, 2025
The Retreat Advantage
Is your heart wounded by past choices? Our heavenly Father is full of mercy, grace, and compassion. He longs to see the wounded and grief-stricken healed and set free from their captivity. The Bible teaches in Isaiah 61:1-3 that God has anointed us, His people, to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to bring freedom to the prisoners. Further it says that we are to comfort all who mourn, to give a garland of beauty instead of ashes, to anoint with the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and to place a mantle of praise where there has been a spirit of fainting.
This scripture is the backdrop for our Deeper Still retreats.
God can bring healing to people in a variety of ways, but we have found that a retreat setting is one of the most conducive venues to help women go to deep places of healing in a short amount of time.
- You get away from familiar routines & responsibilities for a whole weekend
- You can stay focused on the necessary healing tasks without disengaging
- You join a small community of women on a similar journey
- You can relax in a beautiful and comfortable setting
- You experience a Christ-centered spiritual make-over
- You are part of a safe and confidential community
- You are well fed from God’s word
- You are well fed from the wonderful food we serve
- You receive deeper levels of healing and freedom
- Your destiny in God is re-ignited
- You go home a different person than when you came
So, what’s not to love?
Here are a few comments made by other participants who have attended our retreat:
Attend a Retreat
You can find more information in our Registration Packet including a retreat schedule and description of what takes place each day, as well as answers to other Frequently Asked Questions. You will need to read through all of these documents but the 2 forms that you will need to print off, fill out and mail back or fax in, are the Confidential Intake Application and Participant Release Form.
There is no registration fee to attend a Deeper Still retreat.
When we receive your Application and Liability Release Form, we will send you a confirmation letter to complete your registration.
For more information about DeeperStill Retreats or to Submit your forms, please contact:
Tori Moore, Retreat Facilitator
Tori is the Director of Post-Abortion Support at Living Alternatives. She attended her own Deeper Still retreat in October 2020 and describes it as a life-changing experience. Tori has a deep compassion for the abortion-wounded and loves helping others find healing and freedom from the pain of abortion. You can hear Tori’s Deeper Still story below.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (217) 828-2081
Address: 127 N Williamsburg Drive, Bloomington, IL 61704