Learn About Us | Pregnancy Resource Center | Living Alternatives

About Us

Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center Medical Clinics offer medical services under the license and direction of our Illinois and Indiana Medical Director Physicians.

Our group of clinics also utilize local OB/GYNs and Family Practitioners to review and sign our limited obstetrical ultrasound scans. Ultrasound scans are performed by registered diagnostic medical sonographers (RDMSs) specialized in OB/GYN sonography and by registered nurses (RNs) who have received appropriate training and annual assessment for proficiency in limited obstetrical ultrasound according to guidelines from the Illinois and Indiana State Boards of Nursing and AIUM (American Institute for Ultrasound in Medicine).

Each of our medical clinics is staffed with a Nurse Manager who is a registered nurse (RN). We also employ Assistant Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses who are all RNs. Our medical team is also comprised of Staff Sonographers (RDMSs) and volunteer RNs and RDMSs. Patients who visit Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center Medical Clinics will always be met by one of these medical professionals.

Employees — 11 nurses (RN) and 2 sonographers (RDMS)

Volunteers — 16 nurses (RN), 2 sonographers (RDMS), and 6 physicians (4 OB/GYN, 2
Family Medicine)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Living Alternatives a 501c3 non-profit organization?

Yes we are. As a non-profit, all donations given to Living Alternatives can be receipted. Gifts should be tax deductible, but we recommend you check with an accountant to see if your donation can be written off as tax free.

Is Living Alternatives affiliated with any church?

Living Alternatives partners with various churches across our communities. Living Alternatives also understands that we are not a church, but merely a ministry seeking to supplement what the church is already doing in communities. Living Alternatives is an approved Compassionate Ministries Center for the Church of the Nazarene. 

How is Living Alternatives funded?

As a faith based organization, the entire operating budget for our 12 centers is funded privately, without the aid of federal or state grant money. We depend on the faithful giving of individuals and churches that believe our ministry is important to our community. We have people who support us annually, monthly, one time, as well as people who support us through our fundraisers. We’re always looking for more people to hear how they can invest in the lives of the women who come to our centers looking for help.

Can I volunteer at a Pregnancy Resource Center near me?

We are always in need of volunteers to come and serve at our centers. We are very careful about who we bring on to our volunteer staff, so for those working with clients, there is an application process. If you’d rather work behind the scenes, we have opportunities all the time in each of our centers. The best way to find out how you can partner with your local PRC is by calling the director of that center. Those telephone numbers (or email addresses) can be found on our Locations page. You can also submit a volunteer application on our website.

Volunteer Application

How can I get involved in things that Living Alternatives is currently doing?

There are a few ways. We would love for you to check our two spots on our website. The first is our Get Involved page. This site has information on ways you can get involved that would bless our local centers. The other place we encourage you to check out is our Events page. It will have information about several of our upcoming events that will be taking place near you. Attending one of our events is maybe the easiest way to see what we’re all about.